Policies & Criterias

Our Credit Policy

  • Client may submit lead credit request for bad leads within 72 hours of lead delivery
  • All requests for leads replacement must be done on lead request worksheet with order number, lead number and reason for request
  • Guidelines may be revised anytime

Qualified Lead Criteria

The information below approved reasons to issue credit for leads in its Phone lead Programs.

  • More than 1 rebuttal- It is understood that the telemarketer is allowed one rebuttal to a potential prospects remarks (For example: Cx already have insurance & the Telemarketer is allowed to come back with 1 rebuttal, if the prospect agrees after that and completes the phone call with an understanding that an agent will be calling them back it is a good lead. If the prospect continues to state that they are not interested then it will be credited.
  • Same lead in any 30 day window- If you receive the same lead within 45 days we will credit you.
  • More than 10% over age 80- If more than 10% of the leads you receive in any given order are over age 80 we will credit you for the amount received over 10% over age 80. ( If someone else in house is interested and under age 80, this does not count)
  • Over age 85- We will credit for any lead over age 85(if someone else in house is interested and under age 85 we will not credit)
  • Wrong Number- We will credit for Wrong numbers. Usually this is a simple typographical error and can be corrected with the lead not needing replacement.
  • No voice recording- We will credit for leads that do not come with a voice recording.
  • Deceased- Any lead where the prospect has deceased.